Tell a story through a list:
1) It can be broken by numbers or bullet points or commas or something else.
2) It can be a collection or sequence or whatever you want.
3) Winner gets 50 coins.
Open jaws
1. I remember falling in love with you.
2. The first prayer I ever said willingly was asking God if you could love me just as much as I loved you.
3. I am sure he did not hear me.
I do not believe in God.
4. You said you did not mean it.
I'm not sure what "it" was. Abuse is not just one thing.
It is a number of things tied together with thorns.
It is meant to draw blood.
5. I refuse to accept an apology.
I refuse to climb back inside your jaws and let you swallow me whole.
I refuse to feed my body to those who do not love me.
I refuse to die by your hands again.
6. When you said no one could love me like you did, you were right.
I do not let them.
7. Maybe my faithless prayer was heard after all.
8. I do not love you anymore.