Chasing away the nightingale
When I was a young girl I fancied myself a life of mystery and magic. I figured things were not as they seem and I could come to uncover those hidden truths. As it happens to most, I lost that wistful essence.
I was surrounded by people who believed in saints and sinners and that the world was at war. I was taught that death was inevitable and that this planet's finale has been in preparation since long before my time. I was scared into avoiding tidings with the devil and was told stories about creatures of the night who were meant to seize me if I misbehaved.
My feet cemented in the ground; unable to search beyond myself, but with age grew gusto. Some would call me estranged-- those whose dials don't work and stamps are expired. I vanquished death's looming questions... When? How? I did not wish to let such morbid curiosities get the most from me. Since then I've worked to become the faithful woman that I am today; a woman who thinks outside of her circumstance and into others'; wanting only to be a symbol of resiliency and empathy.
I've never sought evil but I do not fear it neither. Something in me has shifted, and death no longer fuels my worries. I live my life fully and renounce all that dare to clutter it. And because I can go to sleep and wake up satisfied today and everyday, I will not be afraid the day I choose to sleep, never to awake in this body again.