Love Poem Challenge - Let's Test The New Challenge Abilities
Write your best love poem! Make my heart skip a beat! Show me some beautiful rhyme and meter!
Sweet Embrace
In love’s sweet embrace I fly, bereft of wings.
At your touch, my feet lose contact with the ground;
my spirit, thus freed from harsh gravity, sings.
Dancing on the air, gaily spinning around -
a tender kiss from your lips pauses the world
as thunderous echoes vibrate without sound.
My heart’s tender petals begin to unfurl;
each beat of my pulse a staccato drum beat.
Deep within, the seed of pain becomes a pearl.
Reflected in your eyes, my joy is complete.
Your smile, to my face, true happiness brings;
fanning passion’s embers to glorious heat.
Gone now, the concerns of all worldly things;
in love’s sweet embrace, I fly bereft of wings.
(c) 2017 - dustygrein
**Note: This terza-rima sonnet was done in amphibrachs, instead of iambs.