Monday, May 1, 2017
What I have to offer to the world, I don't have; stories of times I've never experienced and people I've never met. I have nothing tangible to sell, only words written in invisible ink. And only I have the light in which they can be read.
I know only one audience and that is myself. Yet I question just how well I know myself at times. If I can barely finish this sentence, what makes me think I can get another to finish reading it? Better yet, how can I get them to begin?
Words are better ingested with a chorus and a bassline. And stories get their limelight, streamed, in the comfort of viewers' homes, even phones. How do I compete?- If I too invest in these... alternative art forms...
I am a consumer of knowledge, but even I give in to the stale, mindless entertainment that has been popularized. I guess what I'm asking is... is it worth it?