Colzom and the Ghirardells.
World qx3714d-3 is within range. Atmosphere polluted, but breathable. Signs of previous inhabitation by intelligent life are all over this world, but no sentient life forms detected.
Landing party prepared. Gloru, Mixia, and Colzom. They land on a small peninsula on the Eastern coast of the smaller of the two northern continents; specifically in a large bricked square inbetween a collection of small buildings, what appear to have been product storage and consumption facilities.
Gloru examines a large circular structure in the center of the square. From analyzing their printed images, It believes it to be a "fountain"- a decoration where water is sprayed for the amusement of the inhabitants.
Mixia heads out from the square, to the coastline.
Colzom examines a product storage building. It contains many shelves and displays. In one cabinet are some brown rectangles. Analysis shows it is a food substance. Colzom consumes one. Colzom consumes another. It is the most fantastic substance Colzom ever imagined, or could ever imagine. Colzom looked for the name of this substance. In large letters above the display was the word "Ghirardelli". Colzom did not want to share these few remaining Ghirardells with the others. Colzom started shoving them in its digestive orifices, both simultaneously, until there were none left.
No more Ghirardells.
Colzom panicked.
Time travel is only allowed in the most extreme of emergencies. Colzom took the time bending device, and went back ten years before they arrived. Colzom was with the Ghirardells once again, and there were even more than when it saw them last. The shelves were full of them. There was a whole factory for mixing them and pouring them into vats.
It was in total bliss.
Back in the present, Gloru went looking for Colzom. He found nothing but an empty shop. Gloru received a signal from Mixia. She found something. She found the skeletal remains of one of their own species, who seems to have died almost a decade ago.
Analysis shows excessive consumption of a previously unknown addictive substance, which is toxic to their kind when consumed in large quantities.
They never found Colzom.