Stay strong, for your mourning eyes are revealing.
Air rushing out,
A stampede bursting through the entrance
Ready to be free and leaving the warmth of home behind.
Grasping on to anything to stabilize me
Because I've fallen off the boat
And nothing but the heavy, terrorizing waves surround me.
Color eradicated from my face to the point of translucency.
I am a crystal wall
Trying to keep you out
Trying to stand tall,
But as clear as my barricade is,
You see right through me.
Crashing in
Breaking me apart
Leaving you with raw cuts
From shattered crystal.
Like a poison sinking in,
Mist encompasses your face
Much like mine at the beginning of this disease.
Don't worry darling,
For this too shall pass,
But only after you have fallen from the stars into the vast wasteland
Where you will drown in your own endless, dark thoughts,
Feel like a shriveled up vessel that has been abused and left for dead,
And grasp for air because breathing is no longer a natural occurrence.
Darling I wish you the best of luck
And quite frankly, I cautioned you to stay as far from my contagious ailment as possible.
But alas, you must stay strong like me
And don't reveal your mourning eyes.
Grief becomes me
As it soon will you.