Do you ever feel like you write something SO brilliant and SO heartfelt, as opposed to the other drivel you've been filling space with...and no one gives a sh*t? What do you do?
Sometimes I do produce outstanding work, but I am the worst possible judge of my own work, so I try to be as humble as I can about my posts.
Often I'll write something so incredibly dire (to my mind), and post it thinking it will garner zilch likes, and it goes on to be quite favourably received. If you check my profile for best liked posts you'll see my most popular piece was a simple sentence about a deceased daughter, this took seconds to write and post. Yet work I've slaved over and polished to a mirror finish gets four likes.
But that's how it goes isn't it?
I am not a judge of my own work. Like they say beauty and value are both in the eye of the beholder.