Why do I sit here every day in this lonely room? I'm driving myself to the brink of insanity. Four damn walls and this little table with a computer. This is a form of torture. I've been told only a select type of person chooses this death. I looked it up on the Internet and typed INSANITY, but nothing gave me the answers I needed. I looked up INSOMNIA but all that told me is I am not sleeping. I have no idea why we all are enamored with this damn Internet when it's just telling us what we already know. I'M GOING CRAZY. I'll bet it's a brain tumor. There are times I scream and throw tantrums.
One day, exhausted I nodded off. In the distance, a faint voice calmly said, "Tell me why you think you are going crazy."
"I think a lot," I answered
"About what?"
"People, places, things."
"Everyone does that."
"No, no they don't. It begins with places."
"What about them?"
"I have never seen these places before, I mean I've never actually visited these places, but they are so vivid in my mind. They have streets, buildings, oceans, parks, countryside's."
"That's nice, what else."
"That's just it. They aren't all nice. Sometimes they are dark and foreboding. Sometimes it rains for weeks without stopping. Other times the temperatures are extreme, either below zero or over 110 degrees."
"Where are these places?"
"See that's what I mean I don't know they just appear in my head. Talking about heads, some of the people have two heads, three eyes, and speak in languages I've never heard before, but god damn it, I know what they are saying."
"How often do you think about these people and places?"
"Oh please, all the damn time. I'll be up thinking, pacing back and forth."
"How do you calm down, or do you?"
"That's it, I sit down, and I start to type, and type, and type until I can type no more."
"Does this happen often?"
"Every day, morning, noon, and night."
"I don't know what I can do for you. Why do you suffer so much and what do you type?"
"Stories of course. I'm a writer!"