Strange Emotion (Audio Version)
Here's the link for the Audio.
This emotion
It is new to me
It is something
I never experienced before
I never felt before
They call it love??
This foreign emotion
That I feel
It is strange
It is so very strange
When I’m with you
This strange emotion
It keeps making itself known
I can’t help,
but to express it
At first it felt weird
It felt awkward
Like something one should
Should never ever feel
But now
Now it feels wonderful
This emotion
It grows deeper
with every passing day
Is that normal?
It feels normal
Is this
Is this why people love, love?
Is why people
People constantly write about it?
Is this why people
People want to feel it?
Of all the emotions
that I have ever felt
This is the most strange
This is the most powerful
This is the most painful
Yet it is the most beautiful
This emotion
Does it ever go away?