To intrigue young minds with word and thoughts.
To let a wish or dream be caught.
For spinning tales of now and then,
of heroes, pirates, and ordinary men.
The storyteller I'm called and always will be,
for I love to tell of all I see.
With young ears crouched round me near,
I tell of murders and mysteries,
to make them fear.
Or tales of ships on oceans blue,
and lost in dream, they sail it too.
If by then, they yearn for more,
I have adventures and romances in store.
But with the dusk, the sun does set,
and I must retire for the night, my pet.
For as you rest and dream in bed,
I will add to all the tales I've read.
And build on to the worlds I've made,
catching words before they fade.
So with these words of parting, I go.
For now, the storyteller ends the show.