Love in the Present
Psychedelic hypnosis
...Not like comatose is
No, more like an explosion
The surge of energy thrown in
Like two lights merging
The bright makes me close my eyes and I'm left with the feeling
The feeling of safety
I'm secure
In his arms I am cherished
I am pure.
My heart burns fervently
Enveloped like a sheet
Twisted and tangled underneath
The fears and doubts of past disappointments
How do I know this time is different?
I am conscious
Awakened to the truth of the moment
Wrapped in the present
Purest revelation
Intoxicating sensation
Yet unmistakably real...
The glow of his essence
Mysteriously incandescent
Filled with untold stories reminiscent
Of dreams held by a younger me
Visions of my Prince Charming
Dreams that had been fading
Into the dark of hopeless dating
Our light shines forth here
All hesitation disappears
Each moment reveals
How hope heals
Makes the heart bold
Opens the deepest caverns of the soul
Melding the two of us into one
Apart of a grander whole
Neighbors in time
Lovers in space
Longevity is the goal
Endurance sets the pace.