You walked by
You held his hand
You talked to me
You shared your life
You said you were sad, sorry
You dealt with strife
You mentioned anger;
You breaking up, so
You did this through text
You never really let go
You shared so much with me
You revealed so, so much
You later said you chased another
You never knew I craved your touch
You saw my clumsy attempts
You never said anything of the matter
You did respond well for awhile
You made my time worthwhile chasing the latter
You were let down once more
You, let down by the one you cared for
You never knew what lay in store
You never cared for my attention,
You never did, oh no
You treated me like your closest confidant
You saw me as a footstool-comfortable, no more than so
You responded slower over time
You became busier
You did not ask me much
You did not ever ask to meet, here
You saw my final few messages
You hesitated, rightly so
You left, quietly
You never explained, for me to know
You were not to blame
You chose the right thing
And yet all along I thought it was 'We" that named the show
I am of course at fault
I failed, retained
I sit here and reflect
I have lost my hope
I must move on, and yet
I write poems, texts, posts
I reach out to the world at large to reaffirm my faith in self
I am really as pathetic as that and all it seems
I have nothing more to say
I remember still, almost two years to the date
I checked my phone, wondering why
I wondered then if you would reply
Little did I know that my phone would no longer ring
No more messages from the light that lost its bling