Think of a song with no music
The pause is pregnant -
It lingers with the emotion of the words that were there.
It breathes
It sings
It moves.
When music fills that space, even the most beautiful music,
The pause no longer breathes, sings, or moves of it's own accord.
It is pushed and pulled into something else.
The pause without words, without music, leaves room for thought and reflection.
The friend without words, without cliches, leaves room for reality.
The friend who forgets their words at the door leaves room for something else to fill the pause. They allow the space to breathe, sing, and move the way it needs to.
That friend who leaves their words behind becomes the world, just as the space in a song becomes the emotion within it without even trying.
They embody the silence that now comes from the loved one, and become greater comfort than any words could possibly be.
The silence means more than the words.