...we would still be here, I would still give these words to me-.-i would still have your words, in comprehension...the difference would be, that you are-the same as me, with us to be similar-being different only by another sameness....without you to call me out, each individual would have no difference, save being the same!! Amen for denial...refuting what comes, as chance to go...going, when already gone-again to have another go at starting....I appreciate you not thanking me, else you would have me-as thanks...you deferred the reward of a friend in hand-in favor of giving a hand, to the enDOVemEy...thanks for not giving into a world, that has nothing for you...as much as I think of myself, I desire more-others thinking so much of themselves, without the deceit I feel upon my senses....if only we all could do what we're not meant to do, so that when we have done-what we set out to do, we have to not do-yet, what we have done-then, still not doing-now...what does-what it doesn't, by doing-dues, that the dew thought we did-didn't not have done...ruff, ruff..dogs in a huff, rattling-glass shattered, demanding our stuff..we twinkle our planners, with a fancy-duped brush....white washing letters-in shadow, covering presumptuous buds-unleashing dreams, to walk in tandem, with stars-asleep, imagined;pearled, sipped to scarlet-of suns...precious treasures winter, hoping on prayer- we shed their value-glimmered;garbing reprisals sought-in costumes dropped hither , designing time, a tick, to measure your tock...graphing mapped plaster, by tethered hope-propped. commanding arrows shot-in claim of ransom, return bows-mid drawn, inking wrote archers-sheets of their branding, appeased-with leads in mark..