So I dressed in rainbow again today
For the anniversary of
The Stonewall Raids
But the people whom I thought do
Do not actually support me
I wore another rainbow outfit
But my dad flipped
He said it was not a pride day
I said that it was
He asked why no one else
Was dressed in rainbow
I said straight up
"Because not everyone is gay!"
That ticked him off
He doesn't get it
He doesn't understand the struggles
That I go through everyday
I don't understand
Why the world
Still isn't as accepting
As they should be
But I can handle the bullies
No matter their words
No matter how mean
Cuz I know
That what I am doing
Might just help
To make a change
And hopefully people will be
More acceptingÂ
Some day
Thank you to everyone that is not going to reject some one due to their sexuality. Thank you to everyone who is there to lend a helping hand, even when everyone else walks away. You are the people that will make the world happy and united again.