Gods Gift/s
Somehow, you're dad agreed to having another child.
Somehow, durning pregnancy, I made it through eating practically only ice through two months of morning sickness and six iv's.
Somehow, during pregnancy, we relocated our lives out of state.
Somehow, during the last three months of pregnancy, after the intense mood swings and daily yelling of seemingly endless promises of division, your dad was still there the day you were born.
Somehow you came out healthy.
Even though you are so little, Somehow, you are the strongest person I know.
Somehow, you are so beautiful.
Somehow, you are so smart.
You are funny too.
Somehow you have been protected.
Somehow you know your manners.
Somehow, you always have enough food, and your diapers always changed.
Somehow, you still love me, and always want mama, even though I'm not always patient.
Somehow I never feel like I'm doing a good enough job.
And, somehow, you are just perfect.