Depression has settled in
Depression has made itself at home in my life.
It comes, and it goes.
This time it seems to be here to stay.
It sits on the couch with me,
Telling me just to go back to bed,
That life would be better without me in it.
It tells me "You're unwanted! Look, that person isn't responding to you. They don't like you, you're worthless."
It follows me around at school,
Whispering "You'll never be good enough. You're going to fail, so why bother? Just go home and back to bed."
Reading has become just words on a page,
Music is merely background noise.
And I,
I have become a shell.
Shattered into a million tiny pieces.
An echo of a girl who could've been something.
But I don't want to pick the pieces back up.
Because I know that if I do,
I'll just get better,
Then Depression will come back again.