Are you happy?
I guess my question is are you happy? In a world filled with greed and hidden dreams, has anyone ever just asked you "Are you happy?". Well, are you? If you could wake up tomorrow is there something that you would change? Would you hug your partner a little tighter.. or maybe pack up your car and never look back? What would you do to achieve happiness. You see being happy is always portrayed as simple when really it isn't, it is extremely hard to just remain happy. I am not talking about the drunk moments with your friends where you are laughing so hard you are on the brink of tears, are the time you get your first dog and want to cuddle it so hard that is becomes a part of you. I am talking about the calm feeling of pure happiness on a daily basis, are you content with your life and if not; how come? and how are you going to change it?
Comment below and answer this simple question.. If you could change anything tomorrow what would it be? and would it be the key to your everlasting happiness?