Pick a turn of phrase that needs to be retired due to misuse or one that should be brought back. Such as, "You need to pull yourself up by your boot straps." Misused, this phrase originally meant to be ironic and a reference to completing an impossible or ludicrous task. Pick one and explain yourself.
Not exactly following the dictate
But, never one to vainly negate
An opportunity to vent my disdain
From the use of this single refrain
"Irregardless"- a common misuse
Fingernails on chalkboard, this abuse
Redundant, dribble, sheer ignorance
Its application, a great grammar offense
"Lighten up," my friends so urge
When eruption, I'm on the verge
I KNOW there are things worse
But, the offenders I wish to curse
To keep my blood pressure in check
Please keep your verbiage correct!