Puppy Love
I awoke
in the middle of the night
in a swinging hammock
between two trees.
The stars
wove a silver web
between the forest leaves
where she danced
with a smile
I knew
was never meant for me.
Still, I chased her,
grabbed her hand,
gave her my light
when we climbed the stone path
which blistered bare feet.
When we sat
in the barn, abandoned,
the flashlight held loosely,
bouncing and disappearing
between rafters,
I urged to hold her hand.
When I watched
the delicate way
her hair fell
over her eyes
as she whispered her stories,
I sat close,
praying for a kiss.
I awoke
in the middle of the night
in a swinging hammock
between two trees.
The stars
wove a silver web
between the forest leaves.
I found her at dawn
asleep in the car.
Stretching and sighing
she smiled.
A smile
which was never meant for me.
-Jo Resner