The_Art of Worship
I just seem to be going through the motions of the service, my movements are mere ritual
But for others they are feeling the spirit of worship it seems so genuinely spiritual
Even when singing my voice is in a low pitch and even lower decibel
Others are screaming and shouting louder than a Jezebel
Maybe is not my fault that I wasn’t born with that kind of synergy
Or it is that others are just naturally overflowing with tons of energy
All I know is that the act of worship I am taking really seriously
I tell myself, I am not putting on a performance for others to think of me religiously
I am internalizing and meditating on the words of the hymns
Not being carried away by the crowd and dancing to its beats and rhythms
Worship should not be a forced act but a manifestation of your personal joy
It should not be a troublesome burden but rather something to love and enjoy
Maybe the issue is obviously down to the fact that I am ultra conservative
Whilst the other worshippers are simply much more lively and expressive
I am unfamiliar with the new songs as well as the old classics
Clapping of hands, raising of voices and stomping of feet, I struggle to sway my hips
The Spirit is moving but somehow I am riveted & unlike everyone else closed my lips
Thank God for granting me daily his Saving Grace – that undeserved gift
Because when it comes to the act of worship apparently I’m still a novice
(c) A.Williams, 2014.