Where I can breathe
Prose is where I am me. I'm not anyone's wife or anyone's mother, or sister, or daughter for that matter. Here, no one defines me but me.
I leave my physical body behind when I enter Prose- here, only my heart and mind exist. It doesn't matter if I haven't showered today or if my hair is both frizzy and limp (how? how? how does that happen?) I know that I can still draw people to me if I've written a piece that speaks to them with honesty (and good grammar, a few artistic liberties notwithstanding).
Sometimes my words are angry and vengeful, at other times they are kind and loving, but no matter what path I take, I know that if I write it well enough, perfect strangers will feel our kinship. For that exquisite moment, we are one.
Prose is my guilty pleasure but if I'm honest, I don't really feel guilty about it. At all.
And I know that I'm going to be here for a long time- reading, writing and believing in the dream that we all share...that we will hit the bestseller lists some day!
You are my kin and I love you all dearly.