Define Poetry using Prose Essay Format Only. No Fiction. 75 - 150 words. Mass tagged posts will call for automatic disqualification.
A tear. A smile. A broken heart. A recognized dream. A feeling of unparalleled joy, or a fear that punctures silence with its bloodstained deceit. A window into the soul of a peer delivered with a fundamental cadence. The articulation of a single touch.
A poem.
A whisper. A scream. An unprecedented fit of goose bumps, evoked by an unveiled splendor. A dynamic description of an ephemeral feeling.
A poem.
Poetry is the most mysterious art of articulation. She hides in the corners of ugly thoughts and shines in the grandeur of a sunset. Poetry suspends in the space between two hands or shouts in the deafening silence of a fight. Poetry defines everything so how can we define it?