Explore the concept of Silence in a poem...
We explored time before, now the silence...
Quietly, I Bleed the Bricks
silence curls in my palm
like a gun,
and my pen is bleeding scabs,
and I'm sitting
in the stillness of her shadow,
eating fireflies to try to kill the light
so I can rest between the rays,
levitating memories
into the void created
between her heartbeats,
here I will swallow
all of it,
and I will drink her breath
like a fish
until my ringing ears
hear more than static and steps,
and I feel the mortar
until there are no walls between us
and I split the skin of bricks
and they bleed out bloody dust
and stand no more,
lying softly on the earth
like sunrise fallen,
like sand stained by our triumph,
and we will build
a castle upon the ruins.