Surrounding whisper (Silence)
The warmth of the morning sunshine on my face,
gently opens my eyelids
I take a deep breath, & it surrounds me-
The only thing that seems to understand,
Comprehend, or care
about the needs of my heart, my eyes, my mind, my soul
The sound of my exhale
Is like a whipser
telling me it's ok to let go-
In a world & in an age
where everything seems to sway you
everyone wants to nudge you
Even without words,
There's a muffled scream
with the roll of their eyes, they judge you
Suggestions, subliminal messages,
horns being honked,
opinions as they aggressively code their talk
But home alone, I get
Like a massage to the mind,
An elixir that goes straight
through the bloodstream,
pumped from the heart
This all comes from
Connecting to our soul
Surrounded by what everyone else claims to know
In silence.