n. (Greek mythology) Food of the gods
Tongue peaks with your eyes on me,
Slow and steady,
I ask, 'What do you see?'
'Not beauty, immortality.'
Ah, so you've heard the stories,
The long life of Hercules,
The growing apple trees,
The myths of Achilles,
The food of the deities.
Oh, but what about Tantalus?
Thrown out of Olympus,
Punished for his hubris,
An eternity of hollowness,
But not in Tartarus.
The same fate you will suffer,
Your face doesn't drain of colour,
Not afraid of your heartbroken lover?
Or are you more frightened of another?
No matter, I will have my closure.
Is it a fault of mine
To be born better than food and wine?
Maybe it's a sign,
For me to draw the line.
A line between what's beautiful and divine.
Thus, let your eyes devour,
Before you cower.
I'm not a flower.
I am Ambrosia,
And you may not taste my power.