Venting Latte (Fuck Me, Too)
Fuck you and your commodity fetishism.
Fuck you for selling out. Fuck you for losing sight of what really matters. Fuck you for experiencing so much stress, losing so much sleep, over how others may perceive your socioeconomic status. Fuck you for forgetting about the billions of people who are dirt-poor and scraping by each day. Fuck you for overestimating how much of your material success is not a matter of pure luck. Fuck you for worrying about your future children's financial prospects when the inhabited planet's environmental trajectory threatens our very existence this century. Fuck you for only seeing the small picture. Fuck you for getting caught up in the rat race, for thinking so egoically and so unglobally. Fuck you for thinking you are better or more worthy than any other human being. Fuck you for thinking you are entitled or special. Fuck you for thinking all conservatives are heartless and all liberals are compassionate, or for thinking all conservatives are doers and all liberals are dreamers. Fuck you for feeling bad for yourself about not having enough social status when right now, in this very moment, millions of people are in sheer agony and, since the birth of civilization, billions of people have ineffably, horrifically suffered. Fuck you for forgetting your true self, the Self. Fuck you for losing touch with the human spirit and Earth soul. Fuck you for not putting things in perspective. Fuck you for succumbing to fear and doubt. Fuck you for having the wrong values. Fuck you for not feeling the proper sense of gratitude that derives from wielding a clear perspective on fortune. Fuck you for losing your belief in magic, in the infinite power and glory of the human mind. Fuck you for hustling instead of aligning. Fuck you for staying asleep despite bearing the potential to remain awake. Fuck you for undancing despite hearing the music within you. Fuck you for your envy and your comparison. Fuck you for your cynicism and your fatalism. Fuck you for getting mad at me for writing this post. Fuck you for thinking the Age of Aquarius is a bunch of bullshit. Fuck you and your inhumanity. Fuck this story they have been telling us and we have been pervading; it's time for a new chapter. It's time for the sun to rise again.
May we all unfuck ourselves.