Blood-drinker of the night moon,
Wolf-lover with dark fur, and eyes
Fully drawn; conquered from the
Sun, turned diamond similar to
Stars who cast earthbound;
Violent and wounded, and as ancient as
He is sacred. He was born from the
Fifth Tree, wild and wildlife,
In love with those which loved him
In return and that loved him none -
Because he loved himself. Young darkpaw,
Lokisson, aged from young love into cruel furor,
And all youth lost, beholds a moon he had not seen
Since once looked upon in a time of joy,
But only reminds him of times starless, stained.
So he howls, his cry, his roar, and his voice -
For the first time since adolescence, his truth.
He knows, he speaks with knowledge to the
Moon and says to her he will return,
Return to his oldest love and be no more
Of what he once was and regain a new moon
That won’t ever forget his name again -