I’m in line – waiting. Always waiting.
This time it is different. This time they are real, this time they can hurt, and this time they can kill. The night is cool and for a moment a chill breeze packs away the heat and stows the discomfort of a hundred straps and buckles. For a moment I am home again. I’ve signed no papers, taken no oaths and donned no garb. For a moment, just one stolen moment, I’m free.
The sound of a gag takes that moment, my moment, and vomits it upon the ground. My nature is to look, but thankfully I cannot see. I glance into his eyes and he is frightened. I’m frightened, but it’s not so bad. Not really. We’re in it together now.
The ridge-line ahead is fast approaching, and it inches closer with every flash.
An old song begins to play, and like ants we crest and fall, one by one. Down we go! Down they go! The tune rises in my head and I smile, I laugh! Tracers become torch bugs, minuscule and distant. The very mountains are dust beneath my boots, and the ants that come biting are far, far less. For I am a giant among men!
We were all giants that day.