You burst in the room
With an angry explosion;
I'm startled and jump off the bed.
Your eyes have me frozen,
Ice cold like your heart;
My foolish heart's heavy with dread.
You scoff at my panic,
My fears make you sick;
Unless it's a day that I've failed.
Your fury unleashed
On the days that I win;
You win when you leave me derailed.
The voices you're hearing,
Whispers in the walls...
You want me to hear them too.
These voices are real,
They belong to your ghosts.
Ghosts hold all the truths that elude you
I've got ghosts of my own,
I can't bother with yours;
My haunted house runs on complicity.
Nothing's ever your fault,
It's the way you were raised;
You deflect and deny culpability.
Your blood on my hands,
Your hands on my throat,
Hands that destroy my possessions...
Floor covered in glass,
Your cock in my ass...
Secrets make deadliest weapons.
Our bed is a crime scene;
I like your big gun...
I've been convicted, you fucked my life...
Will you promise to stay...
If I vow to obey...
Kisscuts deep when love's like a knife.
You're weighing your options,
You're ready to run....
You're certainly full of uncertainty.
You're gone and I'm glad
Mad feels better than sad
Too bad, love destroyed by insecurity.