Books Are King
I started reading King when I was pretty young, I believe the first book I ever read was The Shining which then started my love affair with his writing. It was his only book that scared me enough to raise the hair on my neck, not that many of his others weren't suspenseful...
As far as I'm concerned, The Shining (first movie anyway) was the best screenplay/adaptation/interpretation of any of his books. Period. Misery was a close second, and Stand By Me (based on a short story called The Body) was a third.
Now, trying to come up with the worst will be a hard one for me. I don't think Hollywood "gets" King like all of us do, there will never be enough time to properly tell his longer stories on screen, but the real problem is, they all start out with a bang and then fall short or crash completely on the ending. Then what happens is they become instantly forgettable, therefore I cannot decide which movie adaptation was worse. I want to say it was The Tommyknockers or maybe The Langoliers but then again, I can't remember. Whichever movie had the giant, stupid spider thing at the end. Ruined the whole movie for me.
I have not had much time for pleasure reading as of late, and I am way behind on King's latest creations, however, I did see that The Dark Tower series is being made into a movie and I am looking forward to that. Who else was surprised that the lead character (The Gunslinger) was black? I sure was! #Hairy_Situation