Poetically Losing Reality
In a world where deceit, miscommunication, misleading & misrepresentation are commonplace, why do we, poetically, feel the need to fuel that fire? Is simplicity and truth not equally breathtaking. Why dig through the clutter of someone else's mind? Why do we insist someone put together the Jigsaw puzzle of thoughts, ideas and emotions that clutter our soul just to convey a gift we want to give them? Why do we insist someone else work to see the beauty we have found? There is a admirable, innocent beauty in our instant excitement to share the good feeling we have stumbled upon. But it is followed by an instant certainty that we must manipulate it with instagram filters, frames & snapchat silliness to make it appear shiner and more impressive. Then I squint and search for where the reality of that moment that may have managed to peek through. Why does something like that have to struggle for it's time in the lime light?