In any crevice
they can find, they hide,
the lizard,
in its camouflage,
the beetle,
with black armor.
Even the birds knew before;
ink blots in the turbulent sky,
crows fly in numbers -
not solitary,
Scarce do I see the feral cats,
skirting boundaries,
laying their scent.
And the Gofers, dormant;
they shiver underground,
in the dark and wet.
Inland we are -
the sky dark, as a tent,
gray clouds suffocate the light -
it feels
a storm is imminent.
Not long now to wait,
and a mass exodus.
The tide surges forth
and the light
goes out in the world.
Buildings rattle,
and they shake,
shards of glass
in the earth -
What was once,
has changed -
homes have fallen to the ground;
“Please, will you tell us where to go?”
“Hush, Hush,
the wind, the wind,
it blows!”
When you listen,
your mind paints
in monochrome.
Curfews still in place;
mothers, daughters, fathers, sons.
How long this torment -
how long -
till darkness dissipates?
Copyright Suzy Davies 08/09/2017. All Rights Reserved