Visit your favorite video-sharing website. Search 'euthanasia.' Neglecting harsh criticism and religious dogma, become acquainted with the subject. Write a poem. Write a will. I'll be here, awaiting your subtle revelations.
Death wish or Why would you side with a patient but not an emo
Everyone that cared, stopped.
They say I can endure through it.
All the pills that helped, stopped.
Nobody understands the pain of it.
Death becomes the only escape.
Relief from this hellish world,
to which I would leave only my pain.
(just as a ps note. Removing harsh criticism as suggested in the challenge removes opinions and you're killing a discussion. And for religious dogma, you're basically removing the opposition, the loudest voice that is in the discussion protecting our right to life. I'm not siding with them, but you are completely denying them a voice in it.)