A Dignified Rant
Throw me to the Neanderthals
I’ll stand on a staircase of evolution
You can deny me, batter me, preach to the world with a clutched picket sign
voicing the words that I am non-existent and irrelevant to your set of beliefs
but you cannot avoid the harsh reality of scientific evidence tapping on the window
Tapping on that 1940 historical mindset, preserved for its value and tradition
Tapping on that festering guilt that resides in half hearted apologies
Tapping on that late-night temporary love existing in the darkest of places
And I might be repetitive
but at least my screams are dignified
Loud and obnoxious
but my megaphone filters out the rickety nonsense
and only allows for grace and excellence to pass through its stream of sound
I’m not a ball player, big league chew stuck to my cavities
But I can catch, hit, run for home
Run for the mountains, beyond the hills
and you wouldn’t think of seeing me again
until you get a little bit lonely
with only your left hand and a sock
You know what’s great about words?
I can drop that good girl, two shoed, wide eyed, blonde haired persona
and rip ears apart with a single syllable
Your dancer is collapsing under the spell of her own heartbeat
But my mind won’t break in the turbulence
My mind is a cataclysm of lost time and mistakes
I hear the pounding again
and I’m begging it is the milkman at the door
and not my melancholy heart
because milk strengthens my teeth
Making them all the better to bite you with, my dear
I assure you that’s no typo for the word smile
The world is telling me to fight my demons
but with tired arms and a blue eyed twinkle
I’d much rather keep my enemies closer
I’d much rather my enemies hold me at night
like a reunited love connection that I first found in the third grade
When Billy Roe decided to share a box of crayons
Oh boy, those colors were an act of genius
A personified heaven amongst the grey conformity of standardized testing
And if you’re offended by my lack of empathy
You should be, I deserve it
I stole those crayons before he even considered a first kiss
I’m no blind-eye to the bitter resentment of discarded holiday cards
But a cheap pair of sunglasses can fool anyone too careless to investigate
You love me and I love you too
but this is a game of habits
My procedural memory moving chess pieces on the checkerboard of your heart
So you can throw me
And you can hit me again
Strike one, strike two
but I invite you to hit me once more
While I pray to your God and thank him
for giving me such obstacles to overcome
Then scoff at myself for being such an artist of sarcasm
Pathetic is not my middle name
it is a label
hovering over my lonesome heart
As the blade sinks just below the skin
Just enough to bleed and just enough to let me breathe
Plot twist: I wasn’t the one holding the knife
My mind clutched that blade like a child lost in the coat rack at the dollar store
But my soul told him no, even if it was a pointless rendering
My soul still tries its best
My soul might be dim, but it is still larger than the bulge in your pants
You see my mind and soul are two separate beings
My soul is a hummingbird, too fast to understand
but frail enough that no one would “intentionally” harm it
But my mind?
Whew, let me tell you about my mind
My mind is a sweltering tar expelling from the soul I hold hostage
locked behind a feeble rib cage.
My mind screams vociferous tones
that escape through the air like stardust and evaporated thoughts.
My mind is a gaudy stench whispering through the pit of my being
As my hummingbird soul withers in its cage
My mind tells me to settle down
because someone might hear my cries and come for help
And we wouldn’t want that now would we?
We resonate in affairs of invested time
And to wipe away our sorrow with the simplicity of a bullet
Would be disrespectful to the pile of horrendous memories
We so carefully packed away
So my mind might be a critical failure
But you better roll that die again
because my soul is a possibility
And even if no one can hear her
My soul will always scream
but you’re not worth the effort
So she will merely whisper;
Fuck you.
- End Rant -