She was still...
A body that had once been so full of life.
There was a grumbling
From the ground,
But mostly there was only the silent
Quietude of death.
She was in the woods, and the more she
Lay inactive,
The more the feral woods creatures
Began to emerge, and look upon her...
Firstly, a fox, that with bowed head,
Explored the loose chain, and
Locket that still clung to her
...Then a parade of ants
Walked up and down her waist,
Finally ending the tour at a spot
On her face.
She was still...
A body that had once been so full of life.
Charlene had always been a fan
Of the unexplored areas
In her town...
...Her favorite spots
Were in the shadows,
Under the underpass, and
Deep in the woods
Where she couldn't hear
The incessant
Sound of cars...
Her boyfriend had been driven
He had a jealous heart...
...He was stepping out with another
But he felt Charlene
Should stay faithful to him...
...He had an inkling were she'd been
Running to,
And he was sure
That she
Loved another.
When Charlene was being
Murdered by her
The woods creatures watched in silent
From the refuge
Of their respective bushes, and
What was going on, they wondered?...
...Soon they would
Investigate her fate
In the wake of her demise.
Bunny Villaire