I'm going to change the topic from Racism to Bigotry- same thing, but for any group label not just race.
Bigotry is when the news reports that when a black boy robs a convience store they mention that he is a black boy, and when a white boy robs a convience store they don't mention his race at all. This makes the public think crime is overwhelmingly done by black people.
Bigotry is when people watch the news and see something awful done by a black person, and they blame all black people for it. When something is done by a white person, then he is just one sick individual.
Now, whenever a black person comits a crime, the group "Black Lives Matters" is blamed for it, even if he was not a member, and the crime was comited no where near one of their protests.
I have participated on web discussion groups most of my life. I have been asked to apologize for the actions of Jeffrey Dahmer, because since he was gay I must be equaly responsible. They forgot his victims were gay too. Odd how straight people are not to blame for Charles Manson or Ted Bundy.
I see people blaiming all of Islam, the second largest religion on the planet, for terrorism; while ignoring the rock solid facts that more acts of terrorism in the United States are comited by Christian Alt-right groups, many of which have been given a greater voice by our current president who calls them "good people".
Bigotry is when the actions of an individual within a minority group are blamed on the minority group; unless the individual is in YOUR group, then they are just an individual.
Bigotry is you constantly being judged for being a member of a minority group, not for your actions as an individual.
ANd even more important- something that individuals in majority groups do not realize- bigotry is something constantly felt by members of minority groups, every day, non-stop. No, it is not always being beaten or called "n*gger" or "f*g", it is subtle things, like how people stare at you, or glance and look away, or clutch their purse a bit tighter, or how conversations stop when you enter the room.
It is everywhere in our society, against blacks, gays, non-christians, and non-anglo ethnic groups, and is something that straight white christian anglos cannot even slightly comprehend or compare their experiences to.