The Confused Rant on Capital Capitalism
"Capitalism is a capital idea, Gentlemen, if only we could agree on the meaning. What's this Capital spoken of so... so favorably? Where is it?
And, why? Why should we turn such attention to some kind of Capital? From where comes this infringement on states' rights? on individual rights? ...absolutely no, I'll have none of it.... D.C. makes rules no one there bothers to observe... Why should we bow to the feds like de facto jingoists?
... that would be Capitol... with an O... Yes, yes, I see... Well, then---I should say Ladies and Gentlemen (please excuse)--- What is Capital? I thought it was the Top... most important... capital 'A' ...Um...ahah, you extend: Capital gains, Gain... Well then, 'gain' I understand that means to add to... so Capital... is an adding of value.
What's that Ma'am? Capital goods... Yes, Capital as best! Of course, that would be like Loyalty, Honor, Integrity, Bravery, Intellect... these invaluables without price tags... No?! you say? Then surely we mean resources---the very best resources, yet to be applied. Hard work, ethics, due dilligence--in short 'People,' because after all my good folks, if I do say so myself, what is more important a resource than a Human Being...?
What? What's that!? I must be going hard of hearing... did you say it's about putting people to work to create Capital? Paper? on paper? I don't understand... have I missed something here?
... yes, by all means give the man a microphone... I just don't follow."