Misplaced Preface
Reckless Energy
Never Emerges Gracefully
And Dies Easily
So History has taught
And History is a part of all of us
It belongs to us all
It has shaped who we are
And we shape it by what we remember
By what we conclude about those who have gone before
History so often paints a biased picture
As I pace these echoic halls so empty
Brittle glass crunching beneath my boots
Think of those who have tread the same path
Their thoughts, their dreams
Their fears, their plans
All a part of who I am
Twi, who is not invincible
Ject, who would do anything for his friend
Revel, who will rule them all
Xlack, who will become a legend
Before I can tell of me
One must understand these heroes and duty-seekers
Revolutionaries, rebels, and renegades
For my survival depends
Upon proving the truth
Of a simple statement
One person can always make a difference
—The One They Misplaced
Collector of memories
Teller of tales
Including this one