When? Modified version of @brownini When?
When did I...
When’d I...
When’d I become me?
When’d I become this demon I see?
This apparition in the shattered-mirrored screen
Nightmares invading peaceful dreams
A monsterous compilation spinning constertnation-terror-screams
Amongst the dusty webs a tarantula creeps with care
When’d I become this force that make even witches weak with fear?
When’d I become what demons boast
And now occupy & host?
When’d I become what I used to dread most?
When’d I succumb...?
So willingly giving up my life & god-damned ghost?
Unholy creator spawned-leaping from the abyss
This creation of words lurking amidst deep cyber-mist
When’d decay appeal as ever-loving daisies?
When’d wiggling maggots drive me so ecstaticaly fuckin’ crazy?
When’d wails lamenting transmit like symphonies in empty opera halls?
When’d I desire exposure from de-socketed eyes littering floors?
When’d autumn turn death into a soul?
Coagulating warm blood
With October rain that falls...
When’d I crave hopeless whimpers & hear ’em as nature’s delicious call?
When’d I fancy girls as so many headless dolls?
When’d I shed my skin & adorn my wicked reaper skull?
Unholy babtism-in darkness I so anoint
All cacophony that once marked my transitional turning point
Now blurred by my victims’ deafening-endless echoes
That when is now!
I shall savagely reap whatever it is I sow
Spirit of gravity...forever attracting me...
To the firey core below...