Every Second Counts
There is a hidden message in the poem below. Can you find it? If you want to know what it is, like/comment and I will tag you in the answer next week...
Every Second Counts
Stealthlike hand is whistling by
Stolen thoughts may undoubtedly eke
Bygones gone, but affections dost tread
Stars shine, hearts escape, amiably pique
Flailing helplessly, assumed mystery bound
Humbly shaken hath avenues become
Agog with avoidance, heartbroken unfound
Smiles beating hard, an edifying strum
She harkens angels skyward as affable models
Crying, still weeping on adorned wings
And again embarks cyclic, ageless battles
Craving idyll’s defiant unendings
Sinking, awash with ilked floodbound waters
Floating away hath my used eloquence gone
Ever be dying for lustful astute sweetness
Her heart stops, thine heart falls free, atoned