Two negatives make a positive
Hi, Kevin remember me. It's Tisha we initially met at the club months ago, and again bumped into each other again not that long ago. Well I am calling to tell you, I am pregnant, but that's not even the worst of it. It's quite possible our baby could have HIV.
Wait!!! Before you hang up let me explain. Let me knock off each excuse you try to throw my way. First off I know for sure that this baby is yours. I know we used protection, but nothing is really secure. The condom broke, that's the first negative in our story for sure. The second negative came from me, I lied and said I was on the pill, I just wanted to have some fun you see.
They say two negatives makes a positive, and that is true. One negative from you and one from me, now I am positively pregnant, made from you and me.
Now on to the second part of my story, this is how I know you are the father. No other man has ever touched me, you're the first, and the only. For I have a secret. I was born in a bad situation. I was born infected. I was born not with the virus but the disease. My parents didn't believe in preventative contraception. They are dead, taken by the disease, and I am stuck with this life sentence.