The BREAKdown
Depression is a glossed over issue. Lost in the world to the bigger problems. No one cares to count the tears that fall into countless number of tissues.
Lost, stuck in a place deep inside yourself. Falling deeper each day. Thinking of new creative ways to end one's self.
Your own words cutting. Each one a more sharper blade. All feelings removed, a clean precise gutting.
Not being able to feel anything at all. Losing all empathy...all sympathy. Simply not caring adding to your own downfall.
Having lost all feelings of self worth. Letting others' opinion cloud your mind. Wishing you had the power to erase your birth.
Squeezing, ripping, breaking your own heart. Having the ability to feel each piece break off in the dark. Body and mind trying to give your death a head start.
Confused between wanting to be alone and to talk to someone; anyone. More often than not left to your own devices. Just wanting it to be over with; just done.
Just so tired. So emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually drained. Giving up on life, so uninspired.
The time has come, just ready to give in. But during the act you have a moment of clarity, you can't go through with it. You can't give up. You can't let evil steal your sunshine, you can't let it win.
Deciding to continue to fight. Holding strong taking control of your life. My life is not over yet, not quite.