What would you do if you couldn't feel pain for a week?
No Pain, No Hassle
No pain for 7 days would be heaven. I have enough pain to last a lifetime, to go 1 week without it would be bliss. I'm talking all types of pain, Mental, Physical, Emotional, Social, Psychological, all pain would cease to exist for 7 days. I would be able to breathe again, really take in my surroundings and enjoy life again. Just for 1 week. I would be a nicer person that 1 week. I would be more caring and nurturing towards my family and friends. Pain gets in the way of happiness. Pain takes away from doing what you dream to do. Pain is endless. Pain is unkind. I wouldn't be able to put a price on what it would mean to have no pain for 1 week. It would be priceless.