Clarity In My Insanity
I used to breathe deeply, and float in the winds. Everyone around me was the wind; and I became heavy. Too heavy.
Who I am has always been determined by what was needed of me; and let me be clear - my name was never needed.
I landed on the ground one day, and found sunshine in your eyes. I needed to stay a while: be warm again. You let me do that, for a long time. Until I was blinded and burned. Not burned like fire, but burned like adrenaline through every inch of my veins. A black hole would suction in my chest, and the pressure I've always known would keep pushing the breath out from my lungs. Was I dying, or being reborn?
Your smile makes me cry, because I'm happy... That doesn't make sense though.
Your voice makes a home in my ears and every song just dances around it. Oh, and everything is a song.
Your touch makes me gasp for air, and writhe in agony. My eyes close, in pure ecstasy, but I want to see you, I don't want to miss a moment of you surrounding me. Yet, I'm looking away; looking up. You're still touching me.
In these moments I realize, over and over again just how different life is. I hadn't had a will to live it before you, but with this will came passion and excitement. And an absolute certainty that my soul has met its best friend. Something I don't believe in. Surely I must be crazy.