The Dental Paradox
There is a paradox of interest to me
That goes by the name of the dental paradox
It involves the dentist
As well as me, myself, and I
Of which me is the one that hates him
Myself the one that fears him
And I, the one between the two
It is a weird dilemma
And there are mixed signals
When a dentist promises you candies and sweets
While he fixes your teeth
Why not promise me delicious food that won’t harm me?
For the pharma industry acquires pennies simultaneously
So they fix and give candy, as promised
But just as a widowed mother of four
With children all grown and away
They will want to see you again
How misinformed you all are
I pity the ones who take it
The Hippocratical Oath
For some don’t know the truth
And believe their acts are for the greater good
How evil you are Pharma
For you take advantage of doctors and the public penny
I would like to know
When will it all be enough?
When will it suffice?
Years and years of false doctoral educations
When there are easier alternatives to medicine
And more effective ones
And in the end,
What will you do, Pharma, when the truth is finally out?
Hold on tight to what you have
For once Truth meets World,
There will be nothing but Shame as a loyal friend
To highlight your concealed pharmaceutical crimes.