A Letter to Him... (Part 2)
Dear Him,
No, let me scribble that out.
Hello Doctor,
No, let me scratch that out.
Dear Mr. Right,
Yeah, That's better.
Dear Mr. Right, I'm Mr. Wrong,
I have a confession, I've loved your wife all along,
I loved her before the "I do's," so don't judge me,
And I still love her but somehow that's ugly,
Don't worry doc, all we ever do is talk,
But your love is coming off like you're always on the clock,
And though love is a full time job, it shouldn't be work,
And you're wife should never have questions about her worth,
You should be forever be indebted because I deserve credit,
She was having doubts and now we both seem to regret it,
I said that everything would be fine and I wished her the best,
You had a job lined up that moved her way out west,
As the husband I always thought we should make the sacrifice,
Now she misses her home and family and you act like that's just life,
You're a doctor for god's sake, you have a degree in caring for people,
Then how come your own wife doesn't feel like your equal,
Why when we talk is she always hurting,
I don't cry but these eyes feel like bursting,
You're so smart right? Doc, tell me about the heart,
Because without a book, I don't think you know where to start,
She is literally the nicest, sweetest girl I know,
When I tell people I loved her but she found a doctor they say "oh,"
They look at me like of course you weren't her intentions,
You're a... well... you, a doctor you can't contend with,
I really thought she was different maybe I'm nieve,
Maybe I'm confussing her heart with another part she has on her sleeve,
The past few times she's traveled home she's come alone she felt she must,
But we can't meet because she either doesn't love me or loves me too much,
I am so jealous and I'll be the first to admit it,
You got a life that I want and I'll never get it,
You gave her something, something I could never give her,
I hated seeing the photos of you three when the baby was delivered,
Did you know how scared she was before because I do,
I said "Happy for you." but that was a lie too,
I prayed for someone exactly like your wife and she appeared, I don't understand it,
I'm used to this feeling, I'm just asking you not to take her for granted,
Bottom line is I hope she's happy because I love her dearly,
Every word of this letter I meant it sincerely, Mr. Wrong