Let it burn
Candles, turn them on
The fire burns, it gives light
It's hot, don't touch it
It could destroy you
Candles, when they burn
They need something to burn on
That something, doesn't last forever
It soon ends
Candles, look at them
Those colors,
Parts are black, others light
Notice the range
Candles, stare at it
This dance
Now still, then shaking, and again
Ups and downs
Candles, listen to it
A sound
Signals or noise
Finding the difference there
Let it burn, don't interfere, and keep looking
Sometimes, it gives us light and warmth
We get close to it, and could touch it
But then we burn ourselves
It hurts
We thought we found that something
Burning with passion about it
And, it ends, it doesn't last forever
A void
Finally simplified, bright again
Everything is beautiful now
Oh, it's not just white, nor fully black
Complexed range
Shaky confusion
We comfort ourselves, it's indeed a dance
Yet, here we slip, there we fall
Ongoing doubt
Noise and distraction all around us
Exploring the underlying signal
Quite hard to differentiate
Lacking clarity
Let it burn, don't interfere, and keep looking