True Heathens
Now tell me the difference between
prostrate in prayer
succumb to submission.
Organized religion.
I was told that coming together could save lives,
but to be selective?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
held over me are your convoluted ideas of what God accepts.
I wonder how this deity,
who you dedicate your life to worshipping in this world,
created by hid hand,
would feel about you preaching false pastorals?
Switching substantiality with sermons,
not spoken by the mouth of your God.
Bibles and bazookas,
declaring every word of these human gospels as weapons to cleanse
my homosexual ways.
Untitled authors have written their experiences down and twisted it so it could upraise their lack of understanding.
Morals are what any God preaches.
The details are decided by
this free-will,
which is still fretted over and fucked with by
hands of hatred.
Hands of man.