Unique group of friends.
Sunday has always had a touch of bi-polar. She's always so kind and relaxing in the morning and during the day, but something changes in the evening. One moment she's sitting there relaxing with you, then she stands up and gives you a swift kick in the face to remind you that shitty reality is about to take place.
Monday is always so blue. She's either waking up super late for work and if she didn't, she wishes she had. She walks around with sleepy crust upon her eyes and a frown upon her face.
Tuesday is always so boring. She must be in her head a lot because she rarely talks. Ive noticed that she really doesn't ever have anything to look forward to. Quite sad really.
Wednesday is very optimistic. She's the type of friend you want around when your feeling negative. She always looks at life's problems like the glass is half full.
Thursday is always just getting by. She never puts her all in but never needs to. No matter what is thrown her way, good or bad, she always simply says, "Nothing is going to get the best of me today because I'll be hanging out with Friday tomorrow."
Friday gives you those butterfly's in your stomach, like last weeks crush did. No matter what you do with Friday, your always going to have a good time. She's always full of surprises.
Saturday has always been a true party animal. She sleeps in as late as she wants, she lives life care free, and she's either spending the night in with a cold drink in her hand or going out with some friends with a fifth in her back pocket.
No matter what Sunday-Saturday go through they always stick together. Whatever happens in your life, I can guarantee that you can count on them because they will always be there.